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What Happens To Scripts Once Submitted

BSI provides script, presentation development & ability to submit scripts to film and streaming co.

  • 30 minutes
  • By Phone or Skype

Service Description

What you should know regarding how film, streaming, cable, and broadcast companies determine what scripts get reviewed or "Passed" on. Your Development Package along with your script will be a key factor in identifying what companies your project is submitted to. * Before the review process begins, each company's legal division will have you sign a release form to determine if it meets their legal and submission standards. * Projects accepted for review are sent to that company's Development Executive (DE). The DE determines if the project meets their programming or inventory needs. The decision of the DE determines if a script is Passed on, placed in inventory, or sent to committee. The committee determines if a project gets a production, licensing, or partial deal. * Note: The points below leave out details, but it will give you a short version of the process. Keep the following in mind … Once your script has been submitted, there are no guarantees your project will be accepted for review or get produced. All companies have their own production, programming, and inventory needs that varies week to week and often determines what projects are accepted, "Passed" on, or sent to inventory. Various factors are a part of that process and sometimes it can be a genre, or recent viewing marketing trends they review each day. Streaming, film studios, cable, and broadcast companies have complete control over what projects they will accept, and when or if a project will be reviewed. If a project is "Passed" on, the company it was submitted to in most cases may or may not contact you. Most of the time, they only contact producers if they're interested in the content. All companies do not produce all types of genres. Your executive will help identify the companies to submit to. Some Producers sometimes will receive emails from companies for the genre (scripts) they’re open to reviewing. This will help when submitting scripts. Scripts can be submitted to multiple companies if it meets the needs of companies you’re submitting to. If a project is "Passed" on, it does not mean it’s poorly written or not entertaining. Most times, it means they don't have a need for it at that time. In some cases, it may be sent to their inventory for future consideration. ​

Contact Details

marina del rey, CA 90292, USA

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