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Adapting Your Script To A Book
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Adapting your script to a manuscript


Our lead Executive Producer, Emmy® Award Winning Writer, Producer, and Best-Selling Author Susan Flanagan, is one of the leading Adaptation Specialist of scripts and books, that's chosen by major Hollywood studios, credited writers, and independents for their adaptation needs.

Get Started
Script To Book Adaptation Process
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Adaptation Of Scripts / Books
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Adaptation Of Scripts / Books
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Adaptation Of Scripts / Books
Adaptation Of Scripts / Books
Adaptation Of Scripts / Books


Why are writers adapting their scripts to books?


Writers like Spielberg, Steven King, authors, and many other writers have been using adaptation for decades?


Although there are lots of reasons people write scripts and write manuscripts.


However, for writers with scripts. Many adapt their scripts to books because it gives them more than one option for promoting and marketing their IP (intellectual property.) 

  • Writers wanting to meet the interest film and streaming studios have in script packages that also include a book version of the script. The process starts with Adapting your script to a book. For Details click here.

The other advantage of Adapting your script to it a book. 

  • Writers that become authors simultaneously have 100% control, over how their manuscript is written, when it will be published, distributed, and release.​ 

  • Adapting your script to a manuscript.

  • Our beginning to end Publishing resources provided by our Premier Book Publishing affiliate Word First Publishing.

Adaptation Of Scripts / Books
Phase 1: Adapt Script to Manuscript
How the process works

  Click here: For Phase 2. Publishing 

Getting Started:  Adapting Your Script To A Manuscript

  • First: Speak with our executive producer Susan B. Flanagan to discuss details of your book and how our process works.

To get started, during your call with Susan, the following will be discussed:  


  • Do you want the novel ghostwritten or co-written? 

  • What will the title be? 

  • Review of your script. 

  • Discussion regarding your vision compared to how your script is written. 

  • Strength of marketability of the genre. 

  • The number of pages you want the novel to have. 

  • Is it a series of novels? 

  • How many primary characters are there? 

  • Is the lead male or female?

  • Q&A regarding our process and your vision of how your storyline can best reach the audience you want targeted.  


The discussion and review of your script helps to create an outline providing the following information:  

  • An estimation for the length of time to complete the writing of the manuscript.

  • Options for the number of pages for your book and/or illustrations per page can be.

  • The number of chapters.  

  • The number of main characters for your book. 

                      Click here: For Phase 2. Publishing 

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Adaptation Of Scripts / Books
Adaptation Of Scripts / Books
Adaptation Of Scripts / Books

Phase 2. Publishing Your Manuscript


Upon completion of adapting your script to a manuscript, the next step is to publish your book.

Phase 2 will begin.

​Our All-Inclusive Adaptation of Script To Book Package​ includes our complimentary publishing Debut Book Launch Plan 


This plan includes design of your book cover, formatting (e-book, soft and hard cover) printing, publishing, and distributing your book across multiple platforms (Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Target, Walmart and more) to a domestic and global audience.


Click on the above link for details of what is included in this plan.


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Adaptation Of Scripts / Books
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Adapt Your Script To A Book

All Inclusive Adaptation Package

You Adapted Your Script To A Manuscript

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