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Script Review & Evaluation

Our Executive Producer and Emmy® Award Winning Writer consults and works on all reports

30 min
Starting at $395.00
Phone or Skype

Service Description

Review and Evaluation of script from beginning to end. No edits will be made to the script Rate: $395 / No written edits will be made to the script. Below are details of what is included in this service Our Emmy® Award Winning Writer, Award Winning Producer and Show-runner Susan B. Flanagan, she and her staff performs all reviews and script edits. Our review begins with a beginning to end evaluation, analysis and comparison of how your storyline is written to guidelines and standards set by investors, studios and broadcast executives. In addition to an evaluation of the story line, to ensure it meets the guidelines and standards set by investors, studios and broadcast executives a complete edit of spelling and sentence structure will be performed. This procedure allows us to compare the marketability of your script with scripts investors and broadcast executives have asked us to review and edit prior to considering them for funding or licensing. Our reviews also include a one page report and automatic entry In Our Monthly Drawing! Each Month A Script Is Selected and Will Be Developed and Submitted to Studios, Broadcast Stations and Networks such as Amazon, Netflix, LionsGate, HBO, Showtime, ABC, etc.) at ... No Additional Cost! The writer is experienced but seeks to have enhancements of the script made to meet guidelines and standards set by investors, studios and broadcast executives.

Contact Details

marina del rey, CA 90292, USA

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