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SAR / Script Analysis Report

This report identifies creative and business directives industry execs are looking for.

15 min
49.95 US dollars
Location 1

Service Description

* What is a SAR: It is a 1-page report investors and executives' review prior to reading your script. This report provides information that helps determine if it meets their creative and business directives. * Why is a SAR Needed? Investors and studio, streaming, cable, and broadcast companies do not have time to read scripts. This report tells them if it meets their creative and business directives. Click here ( to see a Sample of a Development Presentation and a SAR ​A SAR is a 1-page objective analysis of the first 10 pages of your script. The report is prepared using a list of entertainment and business directives. The directives are provided by investors and industry executives that they want identified and graded within the first 10 pages of a script. This report provides them that information. Note: this report may not seem important, but if the first 10 pages of your script does not reveal answers to entertainment and business directives investors and industry executives want answers to, it will have a negative impact on if the process of evaluation will continue.

Contact Details

  • marina del rey, CA 90292, USA

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